A quick before and after editing, Here we have a cute, adorable little puppy, who would not keep still!! This means grabbing any shots you can and adapting what you have when the pup looks great! So our two issues are.....
1. The puppy does not keep still, so tracking and focusing on the puppy with a fast shutter is crucial to getting a shot in the first place.
2. Black dogs are notoriously hard to photograph (I think I may create a new post solely on this issue to help you out!!) as a black dog with black eyes will have very little contrast so working on midtones helps.
In the 'Before' photograph I wanted to look at 'cleaning' up the photograph, this meant removing the arm using the clone tool in photoshop (although a few mobile apps have a clone/healing function too now like Snapseed) I then removed the brown background at the top left of the photograph so that it did not jar your eye.
I then amended the yellow/blue slider in colour balance (ctrl +b shortcut) in photoshop towards the blue to make the green grass..... less..... errrr green. Again I could do another whole post on green grass! I'll save that for another day.
Lastly only if you zoom in you will be able to see little white dusty spots on the puppies face, these were removed in photoshop using the 'healing' tool.
A quick crop to take out a little of the foreground!! DONE
Before |
After |