Thursday, 10 March 2011

Becoming part of 'The Photography Parlour' - Interviewer extraordinaire!!

I have been lucky to have the time to help out as a regular contributor to The Photography Parlour.   "The Photography parlour is a place for all aspiring pro photographers to come and relax, grab a cup of tea and mingle with likeminded folks!"
I have currently written two articles on photographers I admire and have followed their work for a while.

First up is an American Photographer Oeil from Florida to see the full interview click here.

Second is a Dutch portrait photographer Heleen S (aka Toddlertoes) I love the unique style of her portraits.  To see the full interview click here.

I hope to interview many other of my favorite photographers and one day someone may want to interview me *crosses fingers*
Interview with Oeil photography for the photography parlour by Suzanne Kentish

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting experience!/Hilarious! Delightful! True!/wonderful stuff! thank you!
    Family Portraits


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