Friday, 1 February 2019

Tips for Photographing in the snow with a Phone!

WE HAVE SNOW..... not a lot and it may be all gone in flash, but whilst its here I for one have to get out and capture it!

So here's some tips on getting the best out of your photographs on your mobile phone.

1. How to photograph white snow (not grey!)
Our phones camera just can't cope with the bright white snow so it tries to dampen it down and turns it grey.  Two tips on capturing white snow are:
a. Tap any dark area on the screen, this will adjust the exposure of the photograph and make everything brighter (including the snow!)
b. Tap the screen to bring up the brightness adjustment and move the dial higher to make it brighter, slide your finger up to brighten.

2. Use a flash to capture snowflakes
We know that using your phone’s flash often results in over exposed subjects, but here it’s perfect. When it’s snowing heavily just active the flash, shoot and you’ll see snowflakes you didn’t even know existed.  The light will bounce off of the water within the flakes

3. Convert to black and white
If all else fails, Snow is white and black is black. Boost your contrast with an enhance feature, most mobile phones will have filters which can help you to make it black and white. The outcome is quite cool.

Both of these pictures are taken with my Google Pixel 2 Mobile phone and adjusted in the Google photos app!

If you would like to know more about my photography 1-2-1 courses or group courses please click here