Monday, 10 May 2021

Bluebell photoshoot

Spent a lovely morning amongst the bluebells in a local forest.  It felt that the bluebells were a little later this year due to a particularly cold April/May, but when they did come out they were beautifully abundant!

Almost half the world's bluebells are found in the UK, they’re relatively rare in the rest of the world.  Bluebell colonies take a long time to establish - around 5-7 years from seed to flower.  Bluebells can take years to recover after footfall damage. If a bluebell’s leaves are crushed, they die back from lack of food as the leaves cannot photosynthesise.  The bluebell is protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981).

Please note that during the photoshoot families are on paths only and no bluebells were damaged.

Monday, 19 April 2021

Spring Blossom Portrait Photography

I LOVE two things at the moment........

One is Spring time, the soft golden hour sunshine...... Two my new camera.............

So I did a photoshoot putting those two things together, my beautiful model is stunning which also helps.....

For a photoshoot please contact me here

Monday, 12 April 2021

Before and After - The Edit

 A quick before and after editing, Here we have a cute, adorable little puppy, who would not keep still!! This means grabbing any shots you can and adapting what you have when the pup looks great!  So our two issues are.....

1. The puppy does not keep still, so tracking and focusing on the puppy with a fast shutter is crucial to getting a shot in the first place.

2. Black dogs are notoriously hard to photograph (I think I may create a new post solely on this issue to help you out!!) as a black dog with black eyes will have very little contrast so working on midtones helps.

In the 'Before' photograph I wanted to look at 'cleaning' up the photograph, this meant removing the arm using the clone tool in photoshop (although a few mobile apps have a clone/healing function too now like Snapseed) I then removed the brown background at the top left of the photograph so that it did not jar your eye.

I then amended the yellow/blue slider in colour balance (ctrl +b shortcut) in photoshop towards the blue to make the green grass..... less..... errrr green. Again I could do another whole post on green grass! I'll save that for another day.

Lastly only if you zoom in you will be able to see little white dusty spots on the puppies face, these were removed in photoshop using the 'healing' tool.

A quick crop to take out a little of the foreground!! DONE



Thursday, 18 March 2021

~ Bluebell Family Photoshoot 2021 ~

Phew after last years cancellations I am delighted to offer a couple of limited Bluebell photo shoots this year........ Please let me know if you would like to book a mini shoot with me on Saturday 1st May I have two x 1 hour slots between the hours of 11.00am till 1pm

With this shoot you will receive 10-15 edited digital download images and either 10 6" x 4" prints or one enlargement print of your choice.  A mini shoot is £165.00
(USB with 10-15 images is an additional £20.00 and additional digital images are priced at £8.00 per image)

Please contact me here if you would like to book!

Full payment is made at time of booking.  N.B. Date/time dependant on weather and bluebells being in season - provision for an alternative date will be found.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Family Photoshoot - Looking forward to Summer

 Last Summer I managed a couple of photoshoots, here is one I would love to share, this is the families 3rd photoshoot with me and its sooooo great to see them grow up.

Family photoshoots ~ Autumn vibes

In the very small window when we could work outside last year I had some wonderful Autumn photoshots, here's one I would love to share with you....

These two little ones were a whirlwind of fun and were very well behaved being directed to create many beautiful photographs.  


Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Before and After ~ The Editing

Photography is a varied business, Yes you take the photograph with the clients.... but then there's the other two thirds of the job.... The edit and the finances/admin.  Editing takes time, care and attention to detail, it sculpts a regular photograph into something that shows you as a photographer, your brand, your style.  I do not outsource any editing as I believe that as a customer you are paying for me to take a photograph and to style it to my creative eye..... Photoshop and Lightroom can work wonders but you need to have a great shot in the first place to then just make that 'good' shot a 'great' photograph.

I want to share with you some before and after shots so you can see the editing details involved and get a glimpse into how much time and effort goes into the final product before you see it in you gallery.

Here is the Second edited photograph.... this is SOOC (Straight out of camera) shot in JPG on my Canon 5D MKii

Opening photoshop, firstly I decided to crop the photograph to square - so I could use it on social media sites more easily.
Within the levels (ctrl + L) I pull the midtone and whites to the left to take out the darker shadows.

Then I used the gradient tool and selected white as my foreground colour and added a gradient from the top left of the photograph to the start of the buds, this gives a hazy feel to the background.

I then added a little saturation (ctrl + U) to pump up the pinks.  This makes the blossom light and airy.

Saturday, 6 February 2021

Before and After - The Edit

Photography is a varied business, Yes you take the photograph with the clients.... but then there's the other two thirds of the job.... The edit and the finances/admin.  Editing takes time, care and attention to detail, it sculpts a regular photograph into something that shows you as a photographer, your brand, your style.  I do not outsource any editing as I believe that as a customer you are paying for me to take a photograph and to style it to my creative eye..... Photoshop and Lightroom can work wonders but you need to have a great shot in the first place to then just make that 'good' shot a 'great' photograph.

I want to share with you some before and after shots so you can see the editing details involved and get a glimpse into how much time and effort goes into the final product before you see it in you gallery.

Over the following weeks I will show you various techniques I use and try and describe how I make the decisions on what to edit.

Here is the first one.... this is SOOC (Straight out of camera) shot in RAW on my Canon 5D MKii

Its Autumn so lets make it look like it!! 🍁 I have cropped the photograph so that the boys are central, cutting out the dark tree trunk on the left of the photograph.  I have brightened by using the exposure setting in Photoshop bridge before opening in photoshop.  Using a colour balance layer I deepen the red and yellows and paint back in the skin tone and outline of the boys to ensure that the colour balance does not distort their faces and clothes. This single edit will have taken around 10 minutes.

What do we think? Better?