Photography is a varied business, Yes you take the photograph with the clients.... but then there's the other two thirds of the job.... The edit and the finances/admin. Editing takes time, care and attention to detail, it sculpts a regular photograph into something that shows you as a photographer, your brand, your style. I do not outsource any editing as I believe that as a customer you are paying for me to take a photograph and to style it to my creative eye..... Photoshop and Lightroom can work wonders but you need to have a great shot in the first place to then just make that 'good' shot a 'great' photograph.
I want to share with you some before and after shots so you can see the editing details involved and get a glimpse into how much time and effort goes into the final product before you see it in you gallery.
Over the following weeks I will show you various techniques I use and try and describe how I make the decisions on what to edit.
Here is the first one.... this is SOOC (Straight out of camera) shot in RAW on my Canon 5D MKii
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